Monday 30 May 2016

A New Name For The Blog!

Of Atlases And Empty Pockets is my new pride and joy! This blog's name was previously Sunshine And Pixie Dust, but well, to be honest, it was irrelevant. Hahaha! It took me awhile to actually change it, but yes, here it is! 

Of Atlases And Empty Pockets is a blog where I'll be sharing not only my thoughts, opinions, and reviews on hotels, but to also share my love and knowledge that I have gathered from my travels. Be it somewhere only an hour away, or miles away for that matter, travelling will always do you good. Afterall, there is a saying that goes - "Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind." -Seneca

The vigor of the mind in travelling applies when you see spectacular things, or when you learn something new and worthwhile while travelling. Whether it's about appreciating architecture, breathing in the smell of the ocean, running along a beach, hiking up mountains, or just learning about a new religion and culture, it will make you feel invigorated. It makes you see life in a bigger picture, and that it is such a refreshing thing you can do for yourself. Well, at least that is what travelling does to me.

The meaning behind my blog's name - Of Atlases And Empty Pockets is already explained by its name - of maps, which is related to places, and empty pockets, because I have spent it all on travelling, and oh, on hotels too!  Hahaha! 

Travelling does not always need to be expensive or planned out well. Who says you can't do it impromptu or on a budget? Doing that doesn't, and wouldn't make it less of an adventure because as long as you are moving, you are one step ahead of those who are afraid of leaving their comfort zone.

 "We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment." -Hilaire Belloc

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